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Thursday, September 12, 2013

#Final Draft "Summary for “The Double Edge of Globalization” (Revised)

Chanda(2007) shows that although globalization has shrunk the world and information is now accessible to anyone, anywhere, anytime, it has led to environmental degradation and global warming. These environmental concerns are known to the world audience as information are now made easier to spread internationally and quickly. Globalization has allowed countries to increase trade activity, which adversely affect the environment. The harm that globalization caused the environment was a price to pay when countries seek to expand their economy and the increasing need to exploit natural resources are inevitable. Though there are some acts of prevention, like the Kyoto Protocol, it does not suffice since not all parties are willing to abide by the restricted regulations that may compromise growth. Even though there is no definite control of this global phenomenon, governments, political leaders and international institution have a direct influence to the ever changing course of globalization that will determine our future.

Reference list:

Chanda, N. (2007, 28 June). The Double Edge of Globalization. Yale Global Online. Retrieved from


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